Walls General information: One side of the building, there are 4 rows of 46 windows per row. Perimeter/Area Dimensions: The front of the building has 3 rows of 8 windows per row. The entire area of the façade is about 10 windows wide with 3.75 feet between each set of windows and about 1.5 feet between each window. Total surface area of Boucke: 2ab + 2bc + 2ac Courtyard Dimension approximations must be subtracted: Total wall (brick/stone) area: 45,776.1 square feet – 1,885 square feet = 43,891.1 square feet Seasonal Heat Loss Through Walls: The R-value of stone per inch: 0.08 The Boucke Building was constructed in 1955, when building codes were not as strict regarding energy efficiency as they are today. Stone and brick were the main construction components and they obviously do not have very high R-values, therefore lacking strong insulation ability. Much internal heat is lost through the walls, so using better materials would be a possible solution, saving both energy and money. Layering with materials with high thermal resistance, such as polyurethane board or polystyrene or fiberglass would significantly reduce lost heat and energy bills. However, upgrading brick is not at all feasible. The only way to properly renovate Boucke for optimal energy efficiency would be demolition and complete reconstruction using better building materials. Furthermore, some doors at Boucke Building do not fit snugly into their frames. Gaps in these fittings allow heat to escape. Interviews with the custodial staff confirm that loose fitting doors ofter great drafts of cold air. Because an average of 38% of heat loss occurs through openings like this, replacing or resealing these doors would be relatively inexpensive and worthwhile change.